A Beadworker’s Toolbook by Pam Preslar
This fantastic toolbook is a must have for any beader that loves to create their own designs!
♦ Graphs for peyote stitch, brick stitch, square stitch, loom weaving and right angle weave
♦ More than eighty pages of graph paper in actual size and twice actual size
♦ Stitches are represented in seed beads in sizes 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, Japanese size 8 hex cuts, 15 hex cuts and delicas. The size 11 pages work for Japanese as well as Czech beads.
The size 13 pages are based on Czech Charlotte cuts but also match Japanese size 15 seed beads.
♦ Each graph was tested for accuracy as to size by actual woven samples
♦ Copyright permission to copy unlimited pages for personal use
Spiral bound, 112 pages
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